Tuesday 2 February 2016

OUGD503 - Responsive - Goat Collective Disposable Society

I decided to write down some ideas of my idea of our disposable society and the things that bother me most. Things like built in obsolescence and obsolescence due to new technology and trends is what particularly annoys me with our society. The fact that some objects are built to break so that customers have to keep buying new ones every couple of years seems absurd. And most people are completely oblivious to this as well. Also the use of garbage tips where rubbish and waste is simply piled and then buried so that we can forget about it really annoys me. It is something that future generations will have to sort out just so we don't have to do it now. 

So I took these ideas and translated them into some thumbnails. I thought that one of the most iconic things that people often throw away are mobile phones as when new models come out, even if our phones aren't broken, we buy new ones in order to keep up with new technology. So I took the image of the smart phone with a smashed screen and paired it with a title of "Made to break" However I feel that these two statements don't relate to each other because most mobile phones aren't necessarily built to break but they are prone to obsolescence. 

Also I experimented with the simple imagery of cracked glass that could represent anything - a screen, abandoned buildings and general broken things. This imagery would really powerful on its own however I don't know whether the cracks on their own would translate to show a disposable society.

I also quite liked the idea of playing around with typography to make a poster that sort of looks like a ransom note. As I feel today advertisements make us think that we need to buy the newest model of everything otherwise we risk being "behind" in technology. So using a ransom style saying "Buy me" would portray this. I could either make this with collage or a mix of woodblock type. 

Another thing I think of when I think of disposable things and rubbish is seagulls. They always seem to circle rubbish tips and landfills as if when we dispose of something we are indirectly feeding them. So I thought that I could highlight this on one of the posters. 

I thought of the idea of having dripping oil or plastic to demonstrate the waste that we produce that could have been recycled rather than just thrown in the rubbish. I quite like this simple idea but without a concept next to it, it may feel a bit open ended as a piece.

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