Friday 26 February 2016

OUGD503 - Individual Practice - Secret 7" - Final Sleeve

This was my final submission to Secret 7" for Max Richter's Dream 3. 

Considering that I completed this within one day I am quite proud of myself. I have shown myself that I can speed up the design process if I need to and do shorter briefs. Maybe I will try to limit myself for some other briefs as it cuts out the unnecessary parts and lets me only do parts of the design process that I deem important. I am quite pleased with the outcome as i believe that it creates a quite abstract feeling and thought process to it which is what I was going for. I like how with Secret 7" you can do anything you want and explore sides of design and illustration that isn't usually relevant with any other design briefs. It lets me break out my more fine art background and go mad with it. 

I found out that I didn't get into the exhibition this year despite my efforts. I am disappointed by this but it will only make me try a bit harder next year. 

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