Tuesday 2 February 2016

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 1 - WWF - Papercut type

After getting critique from my peers I decided to take the poster designs that I had already made and make them out of paper. This is due to the pixelation caused by some of the photos that I had found, also I am not sure about copyright issues and whether I could use google images for commercial use such as this. So I thought a more hands on approach will not only be more original and unique but hopefully the use of paper will add an extra authenticity and tactile nature to the poster designs. 

Also with the help of my peers I decided what to do for the final letter. I decided to focus it on endangered species. I was originally going to put a snow leopard on the top of the F but I really liked the simplicity of how the bamboo crawled up the stem of the F and draws your eye to the panda. Also to use the symbol of the company itself will hopefully reinforce the fact that this is a WWF campaign.

Here are the 3 letters together. I am really pleased with the outcome of these letters and I think that as a trio they look really good together. Though messy in some areas I hope that I can fix this in post in Photoshop. Now I just need to photograph them professionally so that I can work on making them into posters again. 

Because the letters came out so well I decided to use paper cut type for the front cover of the ecosystem guide in the starter kit to tie the designs together. There was too much text for me to construct in a 3D manner so I just did flat paper, which still had the same sort of effect.

I started out with just the type but felt that they were a bit lacking so I decided to add some foliage to the word "ecosystem" to make it look like it is living. As this is the plan for the ecosystem clubs - that they will flourish and grow by themselves to make the WWF membership community alive again.

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