Friday 19 February 2016

OUGD503 - Goat Collective - Final Result and Concept

Final Print
For this piece I played on the famous quote "I think therefore I am" by the philosopher Rene Descartes in order to suggest that people who waste are in fact the very thing that they do; they are trash. I have printed this using disposed of and mismatched wood block type on recycled paper visibly showing small fragments of its past as a magazine or a newspaper. I also used green and yellow as the main colours for the type as these connote rubbish, disgust and filth relating to the individuals who are wasteful.

I chose the print that I had done onto the recycled grey board paper. I felt like it represented my concept the strongest and was the most visually appealing out of all of the prints that I created.

Unfortunately I didn't get chosen to be put into the exhibition which was very disappointing to me as I was quite proud of this piece. I felt like all the experimentation that I did was very beneficial to me as I learned how to do things that I would never have thought have doing with letterpress before. Also it only really took me a day of planning and researching and a day of printing so I turned around this brief pretty quickly.  

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