Monday 8 February 2016

OUGD503 - Collaborative - Narrative

Today I met with my responsive collaborative practice group in order to finish the narrative of our animation. After many ideas of what we wanted to do we finalised on an idea. To go down the positivity route we decided that an animatic showing divers physically looking after fish in the oceans with a bit of a spoof twist would work well. Initially we wanted to do this within a laboratory environment yet this would not have fitted in with the MSC ethos. This idea was heavily inspired by the series of portal 2 adverts which were sort of like infographics showing the laboratories within the game. We thought that the friendly yet comedic overtone would really speak to the aspirational young target audience. 

So we decided to set it out in three different sections to show how the MSC care for the fish in the oceans. The first section was to show that MSC labelled fish are healthy and strong, so as a funny twist on this we decided to show fish in a "gym" underwater. The second was to show that they are saving fish for future generations of fish so we decided that we could simply show lots of generations of fish. And where do lots of different ages of people go? The theme park! Finally, we wanted to put across that MSC labelled fish helps the environment. Initially we struggled with this one because it is pretty hard to portray in a comedic way. However Oscar and Ollie came up with the idea to use an Angler fish (fish with lights) and have a diver trying to replace its light with an energy saving bulb. 

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