Thursday 25 February 2016

OUGD503 - Individual Practice - Secret 7" - Digital Development

I took some of my sketched ideas into illustrator to see how they would come out digitally. If I had more time I would have probably made these out of paper cut as the depth and shadows created would have added that extra bit of interest.

This was my first attempt at the dreamscape that I had envisioned. I used overlapping shapes of different opacities to add a sort of flow to the landscape. Adding in a subtle sky that seems to fade off into the distance letting the viewer of the piece imagine what might be beyond the horizon. 

I thought that the first dreamscape was a little too obvious as a landscape so I stripped back the obvious skyline and simply made the waves of the landscape fade to yellow. I really like the shapes that the overlapping waves create, adding extra depth to the piece. Also it does feel more dreamlike now because it fades into this bright yellow that some might think is the sun or perhaps it's something more than that. Out of the two dreamscapes that I have created this is my favourite because of the abstract view that it creates that could have so many different connotations from different people.

I also traced around the REM brain scan and found that it looked rather eery. The shapes form together to create what almost looks like a face staring back at you. However with the colour being blue it looks like it could be a topological map of a bit of the ocean so I think that I will have to change the colours. 

I changed to shades of grey instead and added a sort of grainy texture over it to give it the feel of an x-ray of sorts adding to this feeling of unease. I like this because it portrays that sleep doesn't always bring good dreams, they could be rather sinister nightmares. So dreaming can be a mixture of good and bad. I think that this will be my final piece because of this mixture of emotions that it conjures. 

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