Tuesday 26 January 2016

OUGD503 - Penguin Cover Competition - Final Book Cover and Submission

I am really pleased with the outcome of this book cover. I feel that it fulfills the brief really well as I have included a mixture of tradition and humour with a contemporary vibe. So far within the responsive module this has definitely been my favourite of all the briefs that I have chosen. This might be because I got to explore my illustration a bit more than in the other briefs. It definitely makes me want to continue to create illustrations whether as parts of other briefs or just for my own personal development. My time management throughout this brief has been a bit scattered, some weeks I have managed to work a lot on this brief and others I have left it alone completely. But I still finished the brief well before the deadline of the competition so it wasn't detrimental to anything that I took a bit longer than expected on this brief. 

Looking back at this brief as a whole I think that my performance has been very good due to the fact that I got lots of feedback which helped me along the way and also helped to make the design what it is. This has taught me the value of good and honest feedback, without it I think my design would be lacking so it is something that I will look for in future briefs. 

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