Monday 25 January 2016

OUGD503 - Collaborative Practice - Meeting with my Group

Today all of the group met up in the canteen to discuss our ideas for the brief so far. Initially we all hadn't really come up with much, however I had created a mind map with some of my ideas that I had thought of.

My favourite idea was to play on the idea of "eating responsibly" so like alcohol adverts have drinking responsibly connotations these adverts could take this idea and twist it to apply to food in a playful way.  There was one animation that I found in particular that was exactly the vibe that I thought would work for this concept. I have linked this below:

However when pitching this to my peers they said that it may be a bit corny and childish - not reflecting the target audience of 18-25 year olds. I have to admit I was rather disappointed with this as I thought that it was a really good idea in comparison to the others however this is one of the challenges of working with other people. Everyone has their own opinions and we have to compromise.

After bouncing a few ideas off of each other we ran to a bit of a stop. So I suggested that we create word associations from the company itself. I came up with a few ideas that I had never thought before that could be used in word play such as being 'trapped' or 'hooked' on unsustainable food and that eating MSC releases you from this way of life.

While mind mapping and creating word associations I was very aware that all the ideas that we were coming up with were leaning towards the negative side of the fishing industry and the brief distinctly says not to do this. So I wrote out the Do's and Don't's of the brief and realised that the message should specifically be positive, relevant to the audience and be emotional. While not shunning the fishing industry or creating a dooming image of over fishing.

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