Sunday 10 January 2016

OUGD503 - Individual Practice - Eurojust Final Submission

Final Logo

"The logo comprises of the main colours of the European union to unite it to all of the countries within it. The image of the scales represents justice, being balanced by the word ‘Eurojust’ itself, meaning that Eurojust as a company creates balance within the EU. The use of the capitalisation of the letters adds power and security to the brand, making it trustworthy. The combination of the traditional scales with a contemporary sans serif typeface shows that the company has stood the test of time, transcending any barriers."

I don't know how I feel about the final logo - while it is successful I don't think that I will win the competition because it is too generic. I think that a lot of the entries will consist of the scales of justice and while I have used a unique way of combining them with the name it still will be overlooked. This brief has made me realise that logo design might not be my forte. I definitely have a lot to learn when it comes down to it.  In terms of my time management for this particular brief I also feel that I could have done better. For just a logo design I spent about a month creating it. This definitely could have been shorter but I sidetracked this brief while doing others when I should have just finished it as soon as possible. This might be the reason I feel so disheartened by the design itself, it got to the point where I didn't know what to do with it so I just submitted it.

If I was to re do this brief I think I would spend more time in the initial ideas phase, looking at other logos for inspiration and really trying to come up with a more original idea.

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