Wednesday 4 November 2015

OUGD503 - Penguin Cover Competition - Book Cover Research

After coming up with some initial ideas and reading through the brief I knew that I wanted to create a cover with a more illustrative look and feel to it. One illustrator that I found particularly appealing was Perrin whose illustrations combine flat colour with intricate line work to create a gripping composition. The way the intricate branches wrap around the text draws your eye into the main subject which is the cheshire cat and Alice herself falling.

I love the simplicity of the black silhouetted illustrations against a pastel coloured background. The hand written elements add a personal feel to the covers of the books. This might relate to ‘How to be a Woman’ because the subject is basically like a journal of Moran’s life. Also the minimal colours make the cover not too overpowering. 

With this design I love how it plays with the title, not having a simple linear title gives it that extra boost of interest to the cover making people want to pick it up. I also really like the subtle little illustrations surrounding the title in the frame as it gives hints to the story. Perhaps if I do end up reading the Caitlin Moran book I should include hints to the story that are prominent. 

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