Tuesday 1 December 2015

OUGD503 - Responsive - WWF Brief - Research

After thinking about how to make the members of WWF an active community I looked for inspiration in the form of other successful, active communities.

Rapha Cycle Club

Rapha is a cycling brand that sells equipment for cyclists. They have a global campaign that brings groups of cyclists together to socialise and do events together. This is my aim for WWF - to bring the community together to interact and meet each other rather than blindly giving £5 a month to causes they don't really know about. The design of this part of the website is very minimal and straight to the point. 

They also provide benefits to the members of the clubs like events, equipment hire, magazines and competitions. Each one of these elements is carefully planned and beautifully design - especially the magazine which is printed on coloured stock in one colour. I feel like this might be relevant for WWF but using recycled materials and minimal ink for their publication. 

I also like the fact that they have a map of all the clubs that they have around the world. It means that they could possibly collaborate with some events or have the chance to meet some new people from a different culture with the same interests as you. 


Macmillian cancer support has really activated it's members within the last few years. The coffee mornings have become a big hit because it successfully encourages people to get together for a common goal and a common cause. The whole vibe of the get involved page of the website promotes togetherness - it's all about us and we. Also the use of the twitter hashtag "#TeamMacmillan" supports this saying that everyone who supports the charity is a part of the team. 

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