Thursday 14 April 2016

OUGD503 - End of Module Evaluation

Overall this module has been my favourite so far this year because of the fact that I could choose which briefs I wanted to do and when. It has made me a lot more independent in seeking feedback as well as organising my own time. This makes me feel more confident for 3rd year because all of the briefs will be self initiated in this manner. Also I have learnt so much about the importance of presentation for future clients. I feel a lot more confident as a designer for being able to produce successful presentation boards as well as writing them in an appropriate manner.

Because I have enjoyed most of the briefs within this module I feel like I have spent more time on it than I would a normal brief. I challenged myself with extra tasks for my small briefs and even though nothing came of it I have learnt from them. But I feel like my time management could have been improved, some briefs like the WWF brief and the Penguin Design Award brief I spent far too much time on when I should have been working on other things. But because of this I think that these two briefs were where I created my best work for this year. I still managed to complete all of my briefs with time to spare before their respective submission dates so it wasn't too detrimental to my practice.

In Collaborative Practice I really enjoyed working and meeting people on other courses. It made me have an insight into each of their design processes and I have learnt new things because of this. Additionally I am more intrigued by animation now, perhaps I will try this next year within one of my briefs.

One thing that I regret not doing within this brief was to not explore my printing practice more. I only traditionally printed one brief, but I would have liked to do more. Also in hindsight I would have liked to do some packaging designs as I haven't really approached packaging design this year after doing so much of it last year. I have looked on at others doing the packaging briefs in envy so I think this may be something that I take forward to 3rd year. 

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 3 - Project Report

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 1 - Small Briefs Design Boards

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 1 - WWF Design Boards

Wednesday 30 March 2016

OUGD503 - Collaborative - YCN MSC Submission Boards

Overall I'm really pleased with the outcome of our collaborative group. I found it quite beneficial working with other courses just to see their design processes and how they work in general. It also meant making contacts for the future if I need an illustrator or an animator I will have people who I know I can trust. Also I think it helped that at the start of the project we all set each other roles to do within the animation and design campaign, and the time plan that the animators created was a huge help in knowing when our roles had to be done by. 

I feel that as an individual I did quite well within the group as often in meetings I would sort of take control a bit to sort out what we were doing. Also I feel that I did a lot of things for the animation as the environments were a large part of it as well as producing some design work for it afterwards as well. I got everything done by the allotted time deadlines and we managed to submit as soon as the animation was finished because of this. 

OUGD503 - D&AD Submission - WWF Membership as Community

I think that this brief has taught me a lot in terms of doing competitions as well as developing my own skills. I tried lots of new techniques like paper cutting which I've never really attempted before and found out that I really like doing it. Also I've never really come up with much conceptually before so I feel more confident in portraying a concept and following through with it in the designs. But I feel that the most important thing that I have learned during this brief is how to write about my work confidently for submission. This is a skill that will come in handy especially next year and when I am creating my portfolio. 

I am really pleased with the visual outcomes too. Like I mentioned before, paper cutting was something that I hadn't really attempted before and I found that I have a knack for it. So this is something that I would like to carry over to other briefs. If I had more time I would have definitely tried to create a stop motion advertisements for the ecosystem clubs. Although I feel my concept is strong so it is pretty self explanatory. 

My time management in this brief has been alright but could have been better. I did spend longer than I probably needed to on this brief, a lot of the time was spent adjusting and re adjusting the presentation boards for submission however I feel that this worked out for the better.